E-commerce and conversion charts

E-commerce and business conversion

During a long time we were examining conversions of many famous brands and groups, we created tools and service prototypes, were carrying out experiment and working on bugs.

Google representatives were announcing more than once that they considered this day the speed of loading of a page was one of the most important factors of ranking at search engine.

First of all the question of effectiveness of e-commerce-resource must disturb its owners of companies and then technical experts.

The ordinary buyer is too spoiled with range of goods on the Internet. Turning to a resource with low productivity, a person goes looking for the same product immediately, but already in another place. You will lose not only a potential customer, but also a second possible deal with him. Every loss like this will lead that your business won’t be trusted.

There is no a ready-made recipe for success to increase conversion, and you must be aware that the most advanced and cool characteristics of the resource directly affect the conversion and, in turn, at the time of server response. You need a balance between the methods that you use and the optimal structure of your resource. The owners of e-commerce businesses need to understand that fast sites stimulate visitors to cooperate more actively with them.

Analyzing all preceding we came to a conclusion that the ability to monetize the sites start to lose well before the appearance of errors and the fall of the site itself!

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